Canadian weather is unpredictable, plus given its radical temperature shifts. Exterior paint that covers any house faces the most demanding weather conditions possible. Modern paint chemistry and exterior painters are now adept at handling these situations, and house surfaces that once required painting every two years can now go longer before they require repainting. But under certain conditions, there are still a few common problems that will affect exterior paint, especially if the house is a bit old.
Why Does Paint Fade?
UV: These two harmful letters destroy whatever they heat up. If the UV rays from the sun can turn leaves and grass to brown, imagine what it can do to man-made objects that are painted. UV literally sucks the colour out of the chemical bonds in paint.
Now, factor in direct sunlight, harsh weather temperature changes, rain, wind, and winter cold, and you get the picture why paint can fade or chip off from the exterior of houses. You won’t see the paint fade or chip off over time because the breakdown of paint pigments happen over time, and we’re all busy with our lives to notice this, until one day we take one hard look at our house from the outside.
What Can You Do About Fading Exterior Paint?
You can see if it’s time for an exterior repainting job on your house, so, professional painters such as expert painters from Nelson like A&A Painting Contractors have some suggestions to reverse paint fading. It starts with choosing the right paint. Factors such as lighter colours, paint pigment, and low VOCs or no VOCs will also play into the painter’s and homeowner’s discussions.
A&A Painting
Be sure to consult with A&A Painting Contractors if you need an exterior repainting job and you’re in the Nelson, Castlegar, and Trail areas. A&A provides free consultation, going over your house exterior and different types of paints in the market, how they differ, drawbacks, benefits, which paints to choose. Just check out our Facebook Page, and you will see how A&A Painting has made a difference, especially with many heritage homes with Ginger Breading external designs, cedar shakes, and stucco. Call us today. Our personnel are all police background checked for your safety as well.